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- Gemeindeblatt Sauerlach
- New sponsored students, micro credits and football equipmentFor English version, see below! Einmal mehr reisen wir nach Bintang. Bei diesem Besuch in der zweiten Hälfte des Oktobers dieses Jahres konnten wir die restlichen Kleiderspenden der großzügigen Sauerlacher Fußballeltern nach Bintang bringen, die wir bei der Autorallye im April nicht mehr transportieren konnten. Die… Read more: New sponsored students, micro credits and football equipment
- Donating the bare minimum: foodI think everybody can understand that life can throw unexpected challenges at us, causing individuals and families to face difficult circumstances. While our work is normally focused on providing sustainable assistance, we recognize that occasional instances of immediate help are necessary. Responding to the strokes of… Read more: Donating the bare minimum: food
- From Sauerlach to Bintang: Donations of Kid‘s Clothing and Football ShoesIn our last post, we announced our latest travel to The Gambia, for the first time by car. We took part in the Dresden-Banjul Rallye, in which we travelled the 8000 km through multiple countries, the highlight definetely being the crossing of the Western Sahara. Before… Read more: From Sauerlach to Bintang: Donations of Kid‘s Clothing and Football Shoes
- Dresden-Dakar-Banjul RallyeAfter long preparation and exhaustive tuning sessions (thanks a lot to Mechanic-Master Roman for the excessive help), the drivers of the Dresden-Banjul Rallye finally took off this saturday. Follow our adventurers on their journey and read what they have to say by clicking on their “steps”.… Read more: Dresden-Dakar-Banjul Rallye
- A Contribution for Faces with Big SmilesAround August of 2021, we once more travelled to the Gambia. And with us travelled three big bags full with soccer gear provided by the TSV Sauerlach. They were filled with several sets of jerseys including shorts and socks, a whole lot of sport shoes, many… Read more: A Contribution for Faces with Big Smiles
- Big donations during Covid-19During the Covid pandemic, the people of Dauchingen gave several donations to communities in the Gambia. Three articles were written during that time, displaying more details about the events. Please feel free to read them, so I don’t need to rewrite them here. 🙂 In TRUMPET… Read more: Big donations during Covid-19
- Dauchinger Gambia project helps many young peopleRight before Christmas 2019, an article written by Gertrud Hauser was published in the “Neckarquelle – Südwest Presse”. Read the (German) article by clicking the link or the English translation below. Dauchinger Gambia project helps many young people No less than two of the young… Read more: Dauchinger Gambia project helps many young people
- “Dauchinger(s)” Enable School Project in GambiaIn March 2015, the “Schwarzwälder Bote” published a nice article about the “Dauchinger”, i.e. the people from Dauchinger, and their awesome doings. Enjoy the (German) article by clicking the link or keep reading for the English tranlation. “Dauchinger(s)” Enable School Project in Gambia Dauchingen. In… Read more: “Dauchinger(s)” Enable School Project in Gambia
- School complex largely renovatedIn 2013, Stefan Preuß from the “Schwarzwälder Bote” published an article about a talk that Elfi and Günther held in the “Farrenstall” in Dauchingen. Read the (German) article by clicking the link or read the English translation below. School complex largely renovated Elfrun and Günther… Read more: School complex largely renovated
- Visit from GambiaWhen I was young, right around the time that I should have gotten my letter from Hogwarts, a friendly man from Africa visited my family. His name was Ebrima, but we called him Solo, and he came all the way from the Gambia. During his stay,… Read more: Visit from Gambia
- 580 Euro from Book Market for African Kindergarden(English version below.) “The second book flea market in Dauchingen exceeded all expectations, with an overwhelming number of books being brought in. Bookworms from over 2000 easily found books they had long sought after, contributing to a total of €580 in sales. Elfrun Reinelt, who organized… Read more: 580 Euro from Book Market for African Kindergarden
- School partnership with Bintang Bolong (Gambia)This marks the very beginning of the projects in the Bintang region. Read below how many stories first started. (English translation below.) Katharina and Sebastian Reinelt, as representatives of the German basic and secondary school of Dauchingen, recently returned from Gambia where they acted as ambassadors… Read more: School partnership with Bintang Bolong (Gambia)