
New sponsored students, micro credits and football equipment

For English version, see below! Einmal mehr reisen wir nach Bintang. Bei diesem Besuch in der zweiten Hälfte des Oktobers dieses Jahres konnten wir die restlichen Kleiderspenden der großzügigen Sauerlacher Fußballeltern nach Bintang bringen, die wir bei der Autorallye im April nicht mehr transportieren konnten. Die Spendenbereitschaft hatte uns schlicht überwältigt. Dem Fußballverein von Bintang …

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From Sauerlach to Bintang: Donations of Kid‘s Clothing and Football Shoes

In our last post, we announced our latest travel to The Gambia, for the first time by car. We took part in the Dresden-Banjul Rallye, in which we travelled the 8000 km through multiple countries, the highlight definetely being the crossing of the Western Sahara. Before we left, Angi from the TSV Sauerlach asked around …

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Dauchinger Gambia project helps many young people

Right before Christmas 2019, an article written by Gertrud Hauser was published in the “Neckarquelle – Südwest Presse”. Read the (German) article by clicking the link or the English translation below. https://www.nq-online.de/lokales/schwarzwald-baar/dauchinger-gambia-projekt-hilft-vielen-jungen-menschen_54_111821932-16.html Dauchinger Gambia project helps many young people No less than two of the young people supported by the Dauchingen Gambia project have recently …

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“Dauchinger(s)” Enable School Project in Gambia

In March 2015, the “Schwarzwälder Bote” published a nice article about the “Dauchinger”, i.e. the people from Dauchinger, and their awesome doings. Enjoy the (German) article by clicking the link or keep reading for the English tranlation. https://www.schwarzwaelder-bote.de/inhalt.dauchingen-dauchinger-ermoeglichen-schulprojekt-in-gambia.58d686ed-ab87-4ec8-a353-2233b1513886.html “Dauchinger(s)” Enable School Project in Gambia Dauchingen. In the “Farrenstall” in Dauchingen, Elfi and Günther report about …

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